St. George and the Dragon

Mesner Puppet Theater

Return to the legendary time of far away kingdoms, ferocious dragons, and damsels in distress. Set in a chilly, mythical Kingdom, the tale unfolds as the King and his Court try to decide what to do about an earth-shaking and hungry Dragon. In this version, it is not a brave Knight who saves the Kingdom from the Dragon, but the King’s daughter, Princess Georgette. With courage and good sense, Georgette proves herself to be a damsel in control of the situation, and solves the dilemma with a happy ending for all.


Grade Levels: All Ages

Fees: 6.50 groups of 15+ / $850 for tour

Maximum Audience Size: 200

Availability: Feb. 17- 28, 2016

Program Length: 50 mins

Location: Paul Mesner Puppet Studio
